Program Erasmus+
Uczelnia ma podpisanych ponad 100 umów z uniwersytetami i szkołami biznesu oraz prawa w ramach programu Erasmus+, corocznie aktualizuje porozumienia z instytucjami przyjmującymi absolwentów na staże w krajach Unii Europejskiej.
Głównymi partnerami Uczelni Łazarskiego są uczelnie z krajów Unii Europejskiej oraz Gruzji.
Poniżej prezentujemy aktualną listę uczelni partnerskich w ramach programu Erasmus+.
Umowy dwustronne
Uczelnia Łazarskiego stale rozszerza swoją działalność naukową, dydaktyczną oraz w zakresie realizacji mobilności, podejmując współpracę z uniwersytetami spoza Europy. Prezentujemy listę uczelni partnerskich.
Wybrane uczelnie partnerskie to:
Center for International Legal Studies Salzburg
The two institutions created a student exchange programme at the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Linyi Normal University
The two institutions created a student exchange programme at the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Grigol Robakidze University
The partners facilitate academic activities in the areas that include exchanging partners, researchers and students, sharing scientific publications, developing and conducting joint seminars, workshops, symposia and courses, as well as conducting joint researches.
Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
The two institutions created a student and staff exchange programme at the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
The two institutions created a student and staff exchange programme at the graduate and undergraduate levels.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - School of Continuing Education
United States
The partners take actions in developing programmes in continuing education, organizing conferences, seminars, symposia and summer schools, exchanging faculty members as well as publishing research materials.
Chiang Mai University - Faculty of Medicine
The two institutions created a student and staff exchange programme at the graduate and undergraduate levels.