An individual approach to the studying process is a great asset of our programme. The medical course will not be mass-scale but elite. Divided into small groups, students will be taught with the use of the latest educational materials and technological solutions. We will be using the best experience in teaching medicine in Poland.
Above all, we want to teach the practical aspects of the medical profession, placing great emphasis on forming good foundations. It is important for us that our students (as future doctors) are able to communicate effectively with their patients. As a result, classes will also involve practising communication with both patients and the members of the medical team as an indispensable tool in a doctor's everyday work.
Our University's medical programme curriculum will guarantee our graduates great foundations for pursuing the medical profession in any healthcare system. An offer of additional courses that are important from the perspective of different career paths (such as medical law or healthcare management) will form an important component of our programme.
Education quality
An internal education quality assurance system at Lazarski University Faculty of Medicine is being continuously improved. It was adapted to requirements arising from the reform of science and higher education and conforms to the Higher Education Act of 27 July 2005 (Journal of Laws Dz.U. of 2012 item 572, as amended) as well as to the provisions of Ordinances of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 20 September 2016 on the general criteria for assessing core curricula and of 26 September 2016 on conditions for holding university programmes (Journal of Laws Dz.U. of 2016, item 1596); the Ordinance of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 26 September 2016 on second-degree characteristics of the Polish Qualifications Framework typical for qualifications obtained within the scope of higher education after achieving full level 4 qualification: levels 6-8 (Journal of Laws Dz.U. of 2016 item 1594) and of 4 November 2011 on model education results, i.e. Journal of Laws Dz.U. of 2013, item 1273, as amended).
In devising an internal education quality assurance system, we used the assumptions described in Professor Andrzej Kraśniewski's publication „Jak przygotować programy kształcenia zgodnie z wymaganiami Krajowych Ram Kwalifikacji dla Szkolnictwa Wyższego” [Preparing education programmes consistent with the requirements of the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education], Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Warsaw 2011 (