University Library

The Lazarski University Library offers access to more than 90,000 copies of books, most of which are subject to lending, and 25,000 of which are in the Reading Room on shelves accessible to readers.

We also offer access to current and archived print and electronic journals. We offer databases from the nationwide list of the Virtual Library of Science and others - law, economics and medicine.

We have 37 seats for readers, computers with Internet and application programs (including - for the disabled), wi-fi, possibility to print search results, copier and scanner. We also lend fiction from the collections of the district public library.

News / Library

Online catalog

Databases and information sources

Cabin reservation




Opening Hours


Regular opening hours:

Monday 08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 19:00
Thursday 08:00 - 19:00
Friday 08:00 - 16:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00



Lazarski University Library,

ul. Świeradowska 43, sector F, 1st floor
02-662 Warsaw (for loans and access to databases) (for other matters) (interlibrary loans) (Microsoft Teams)


+48 22 54 35 390 (Lending Library and Reading Room)

+ 48 501 232 671 (Lending Library and Reading Room)

+48 22 54 35 391 (Workshop and Warehouse)


+48 22 54 35 392 (Director)

Please be advised that library materials late return fees can be paid by bank transfer to the following account:

Lazarski University
mBank S.A.
13 1140 1977 0000 5580 0300 1001

In the title of the transfer you need to provide your data (Name, surname, album or library card number) and the information "Library - special fee". Please send confirmation of the transfer to our email

