In order for a work referenced in a bibliography or footnote to be recognized by the reader, we must, as far as possible, include the following elements for identification. Author and title passwords are also needed for searching catalogs and databases.
- Author, editor (first and last name, may be only the initial of the first name)
- Title of the work (book, article, review, note)
- Alternatively: the title of the larger whole in which the work was included (book - collective work, journal, website, etc.).
When describing a book, we include:
- Place of publication
- Publisher
- Year of publication
When describing a journal, we include:
- Year or year (volume) and number (issue) of the journal
- The pages on which the article or the information we used was posted
When describing an electronic publication, we include:
- The physical form of the document, e.g. [online], [CD-ROM].
- Alternatively - the access path
- Date of access
When describing a specific fact in the paper, we refer to the page from which the information was taken. For example, if the article was published on pp. 117-129, and our information - on page 121, we end the footnote: p. 121.
Individual publishers, editors, universities may use these elements in different order or with different punctuation marks. The most important thing is to keep the same rules in all descriptions.
Printed and manuscript sources
Drucker Peter F., The Practice of Management, Warsaw : MT Business Publishing, 2005.
Borgman Christine, Scholarship in the digital age: information, infrastructure and Internet, Cambridge : Mass, London : MIT Press, 2007.
Book - collective work edited by
Kwaśnicki Radosław (ed.), Limited liability company, Warsaw : Wydawnictwo C. H. Beck, 2005.
Official document issued in the form of a book
Poland. Ministry of National Education, The Law on the System of Education along with basic implementing regulations, Warsaw : Wydaw. Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych, 1996.
Article or author's chapter in a book (conference volume, etc.).
Ślaska Katarzyna, Europeana and the political intentions of the National Library in the field of digitization, in: 13th edition of the conference series Digitalization: from advanced to mature digitalization, Warsaw, January 13, 2009, Warsaw : Centrum Promocji Informatyki, 2009, pp. 85-108.
Newspaper article
Karpieszuk Wojciech, Insurgent from Africa, "Gazeta Wyborcza" 2010 no. 292 pp. 1.
Journal article
Andrzejewska Jadwiga, Participation of a school librarian in reading and media education, "Library in School" 2000 no. 2 p. 1-2.
Węgrzyn Bogdan, Changes in the rules for the election of the Roman bishop introduced by Popes John XXIII and Paul VI, "Economic and Legal Thought" 2007, R. 17 no. 2 pp. 65-85.
Judgment published in the journal
Judgment of the Supreme Court of 2.7.2006, ref: II CKN 67/05, "Prosecution and Law" 2007 no. 2 p. 54.
Thesis (printout)
Kaczorowski Rafał, Logistical handling of trade exchange between Poland and Germany in 2003-2007 [printout], Master's thesis, supervisor W. Januszkiewicz, Warsaw : Higher School of Commerce and Law in Warsaw, 2009.
Archival or library manuscript
Letter from S. Krzeminski to S. Leszczynski regarding a bibliography recommending the Reading Department of the Warsaw Charitable Society, 1 XI 1909, Public Library of the City of Warsaw, rkps 86.II k. 47.
Electronic sources
Book (author's work) on CD-ROM
Kopaliński Władysław,Słownik wyrazów obcych i zwrotów obcojęzycznych [CD-ROM], version 1.03.16, Łódź, PRO-media CD, 1998, updated 25.11.1998.
Prus Bolesław, Lalka [CD-ROM - audiobook], opr. U. Klatka, Kraków : Wydawnictwo Zielona Sowa, 2009.
Journal article on CD-ROM
Szwęch Aneta, How to choose the most favorable method of accounting in 2009, "Monitor Księgowego" [CD-ROM] 2009 no. 3 p. 33.
Articles, chapters in books (author's works) on CD-ROM
Roszkowski Janusz, Elections to the European Parliament, in: Roszkowski Janusz, Górnicz Ewa, Żurek Marek, Lexicon of European Integration [CD-ROM], Warsaw : Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2004 (entry in the lexicon, article signed J. R.).
Book in the database
Destler I. M., American trade politics [online], 4th ed., Washington, DC : Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2005, available from:, accessed 9.03.2009.
Journal or newspaper article in database
Stempniak Andrzej, Krąg osób uprawli uprawniony do zgłoszenia o podział majątku wspólnego majątków małonych, "Monitor Prawniczy" [online] 2009 No. 2, available at:, accessed 11.06.2009.
Fickling David, Wigglesworth Robin, Contractors suffer as Dubai payments dry up, "Financial Times" [online] 2009, March 3, available at:, accessed 05.03.2009.
Ruling published in the electronic version of the newspaper, posted on the database
Judgment of the Composition of Seven Judges of the Supreme Court - Civil Chamber of January 15, 2009, I CSK 333/2007 [online], "Rzeczpospolita" 2009 no. 13 p. C2, available in: LexPolonica no. 1985871, accessed 15.12.2009.
Palmo Kunga (screenplay, production), Devotion and defiance [Film DVD] : Buddhism and the struggle for religious freedom in Tibet= Devotion and defiance : Buddhism and the struggle for religious freedom in Tibet, [Warsaw] : Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights : Social Film Institute, 2009, 35 min.
Note on the institution's website
National Aeronautics and Space Agency, What Does NASA Do?, in NASA [online], available at:, accessed 10.02.2010.
United States District Court, Southern District of New York, Declaration of Daniel Clancy in support of motion for final approval of amended settlement agreement [online], p. 1, available at:, accessed 30.04.2010.
Journal note in WWW version
Watson T., Report uncovers allegations of astronauts drunk on flights, "USA Today" [online], available at:, accessed 10.02.2010.
Wikipedia article
PJ Harvey, in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [online], available at:,_PJ, accessed 09.04.2011.
Illustration from Wikipedia
Memo from NKVD chief Lavrentiy Beria to Joseph Stalin proposing the murder of Polish prisoners of war, dated March 1940, with signatures: Stalin, Voroshilov, Molotov and Mikoyan, Color scan from original document, in: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [online], available at:, accessed 08.04.2011.
Blog entry
Myers P. Z. , Lifecode: from egg to embryo by self-organization, "Pharyngula" [online] 2007, 17.07, available from:, accessed 10.02.2010.
Orwant Jon, Jon Orwant said, in Google Books: a metadata train wreck, Language Log [online], 01.09.2009, available from:, accessed 09.09.2010.
Statement on the electronic discussion forum
Kubów Stefan, For some time now we can "enjoy" another miraculous invention of the creators of MARC 21..., in On any topic, MARC 21, EBIB Forum [online], 31.03.2011, available at:, accessed 09.04.2011.
Online sources count just like printed ones if we can determine their credibility.
Works whose printed counterparts do not exist or cannot be reached are increasingly recognized as sources for study and research work. In general, these are:
- Works published in digital libraries and institutional repositories, e.g. Matysek-Jędrych A: Determinants of stabilization of the financial system by the central bank [electronic document], doctoral dissertation, Poznań: Poznań University of Economics, 2008, in Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa ,, accessed April 15, 2009.
- Works provided by universities for teaching purposes, Бородич С.А.: Эконометрика [electronic document], Учебное пособие, Минск: Новое знание, 2001, in: Электронная библиотека, Экономический факультет БГУ,Эконометрика.htm, accessed April 15, 2009.
- Documents taken from official Web sites, e.g. Проект Закону України "Про внесення змін до Конституції України" [electronic document], in Офiцiйне представництво Президента України,, accessed April 15, 2009.
- Articles from journals published online and registered in the Directory of Open Access Journals or similar directories, e.g., R. Van Oers: From Liberal to Restrictive Citizenship Policies: the Case of the Netherlands [electronic document], "International Journal of Multicultural Societies," Vol. 10 (2008) no. 1,, accessed April 15, 2009.
Your paper can be based on printed texts, texts from databases subscribed to by a specific library, and Open Access sources - like the above. However, it is not allowed to use texts of unknown origin and unreliably cited texts.
The above citations use PN-ISO 690-2:1999 Information and documentation - Bibliographic footnotes - Sheet 2: Electronic documents and their parts.