Book drop box

  1. The drop box (trezor, book drop) is used to return books borrowed from the Library by those wishing to bypass the lending library, such as on days and hours when the Library is closed, or to save time, especially when the reader does not need to pick up a new order. People with disabilities are also encouraged to use the drop box. The Library's intention is to make it easier to return books, thereby speeding up the circulation of books between borrowers.
  2. The user using the drop box gently inserts the book into the marked slot.
  3. The library takes responsibility for reinserting the book into the loanable collection.
  4. The drop box generally handles collections from the lending library, including so-called night and holiday loans from the reading room.
  5. The drop box does not handle collections borrowed from the reading room for 2 hours (they must be returned to the reading room by the employee on duty).
  6. Library materials returned through the drop box on the closing day of the Library, will be removed from the reader's account on the next working day. The reader is obliged to check his account balance after using the drop box. Returning library materials through the drop box late (exceeding the return deadline) does not exempt the reader from paying the special fee.
  7. The library asks the reader for an explanation when a book returned through the drop box bears previously unrecorded damage or dirt.

The drop box is located on the University campus at the entrance to Sector F


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