Leonardo da Vinci

Since 2010. Lazarski University is a beneficiary of the "Lifelong Learning" Program. - Leonardo da Vinci!

We are among the few universities that have received funding for the implementation of foreign internships for graduates under the "Placements for People on the Labour Market" (PLM) action.

To date, the University has organized the following projects:

Academic yearTitleFunding amountNumber of participants
2013/2014Two models of professional support for university graduates101,671 €21
2012/2013Two models for empowering university graduates in the labor market145,352 €33
2011/2012Two models of professional development for Lazarski University graduates151,748.65 €35
2010/2011European dimension of personal and professional development of Lazarski University graduates123,098.40 €27


As of January 1, 2014. Leonardo da Vinci program ceased to exist in its previous form, while the graduate internship program was integrated into the new European program Erasmus+.
