International Week 2013

The second International Week, featuring practitioners and lecturers from foreign universities and companies, takes place at Lazarski University May 13-17, 2013.

Please find below the International Week program and the list of guest lecturers. All classes will be held in English.

  • Monday, May 13
    9:05 - 12:10 Hamed Alavi, Public Diplomacy In 21st Century, room 24
    12:20 - 14:20 Hamed Alavi, Political Marketing and New Technologies, room 24
    14:40 - 16:40 Hamed Alavi, Political Marketing and New Technologies, room 567
  • Tuesday, May 14
    10:10 - 12:10 Veslav Kuranovic, China Economy and International Business, room 8
    12:20 - 13:20 Veslav Kuranovic, China Economy and International Business, room 11
  • Wednesday, May 15
    8:00 - 10:00 Antonio Vellini, Intellectual Property: LookAlike, room 38
    10:10 - 12:00 Antonio Vellini, Intellectual Property: LookAlike, room 106
    10:10 - 12:10 Hamed Alavi, Public Diplomacy In 21st Century, room 25
    11:15 - 13:25 Marc Lankamp, The Pitfalls and Challenges of New Media, room 24
    12:20 - 14:20 Regina Garcimartin, Class Action: the Spanish Experience, room 118
    12:20 - 14:20 Eva Katalin Szederkenyi, Intercultural Crossroads: the Power of Languages, room 38
  • Thursday, May 16
    8:00 - 10:00 Veslav Kuranovic, Chinese Business Culture, room 464
    9:05 - 12:10 Hamed Alavi, Political Marketing and New Technologies, room 24
    10:10 - 12:10 Veslav Kuranovic, China Economy and International Business, room 562
    10:10 - 12:20 Marc Lankamp, The Pitfalls and Challenges of New Media, room 129
    12:20 - 14:20 YRfSS conference, "Data is the New Oil"
    14:40 - 16:50 Marc Lankamp, The Pitfalls and Challenges of New Media, room 24
    14:40 - 16:40 Johan Billiet, ADR / ODR in Consumer Disputes, room 36
  • Friday, May 17
    15.45 - 5:45 p.m. Regina Garcimartin, European Payment Order and the Experience of the Payment Order Process in Spain, room 106

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