
The Faculty of Law and Administration at Lazarski University conducts scientific research funded by the Ministry of Education and Science as part of the general subvention for the maintenance and development of research potential.

In 2018-2020, a scientific project financed from NCN funds (OPUS competition) "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. A New Era in Aviation Law," headed by dr hab. Anna Konert, prof. ULa.

The project dealt with issues of drone law.


  • Analysis of the precautionary measure of a restraining order against a member of the medical staff or a foster person at a designated distance, a contact order or a publication ban
    - Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Stefanski
  • Combating environmental terrorism in the light of international law; Military autonomous drones - legal and ethical aspects
    - Mateusz Osiecki PhD
  • The European Environmental Conscience. Normative regulatory tools to foster sustainable development in the EU. The European Environmental Conscience. Normative regulatory tools to foster sustainable development in the EU
    - Tomasz Braun PhD
  • Beneficial Ownership in International Taxation
    - Blazek Kuźniacki PhD
  • Sustainable development and labor regulations
    - Magdalena Rycak PhD


  • Legal security constraints for telecommunications infrastructure providers; Security of telecommunications networks and services
    - Prof. dr hab.  Maciej Rogalski
  • Law of special services
    - dr hab. Przemysław Szustakiewicz, prof. ULa
  • Legal nature of the proceedings and types of rulings issued in the proceedings for recognition of standard contractual provisions as prohibited
    - dr hab. Małgorzata Sieradzka, prof. ULa
  • Research on the methodology of the judge's work within civil procedural law and the science of judicial application of law; Guarantee of the rule of law - threats and prospects
    - dr hab. Aneta Łazarska, prof. ULa
  • Attempts in Polish and Spanish criminal law
    - Blanka Julita Stefańska PhD
  • The scope of adjudication in cases for monetary compensation for harm suffered
    - Małgorzata Sekuła-Leleno PhD
  • Responsibility for causing danger in road traffic in Polish misdemeanor law
    - Jacek Dąbrowski PhD
  • Formal analysis of the rules of providing telemedicine and telecare services
    - dr hab. Justyna Zajdel-Całkowska, prof. ULa
  • Implementation of constitutional standards in religious law
    - Marcin Olszówka PhD
  • National space law
    - dr hab. Anna Konert, prof. ULa
  • Evaluation of legislative undertakings implemented in the period January 1, 2014. - June 30, 2020 by the legislative authority of the Republic of Poland
    - Prof. dr. hab. Paweł Chmielnicki


  • Assessment of legislative undertakings implemented in the period January 1, 2014. - June 30, 2018 by the legislature of the Republic of Poland; Promises of election and their implementation by laws in 2015-1016; Looking for Approaches on Creation of Law. A Compperative Approach
    - Prof. dr hab. Paweł Chmielnicki
  • Analysis of Belgian law, doctrine, and court jurisprudence on the model of evidentiary proceedings before the court of first instance
    - Dr. hab. Małgorzata Manowska, prof. ULa
  • Threat to social order
    - Prof. dr. h. c. Brunon Holyst
    Sovereignty in aviation law; Compensation for non-pecuniary damage to air passengers in international law
    - Dr. hab. Anna Konert, prof. ULa
  • Issuance of electronic evidence in criminal cases between EU member states
    - Prof. dr hab. Maciej Rogalski
  • National and constitutional identity of an EU member state and respect for the rule of law; Contemporary political and legal challenges of EU citizenship
    - Dominika Harasimiuk PhD
  • Helping the mediators to mediate: an interdisciplinary law course
    - Ewelina Gee-Milan, MA
  • Cooperation of twin cities as a factor shaping the quality of administration; Passenger rights in the European Union and third countries on the example of Poland, Italy and Ukraine
    - Ewa Jasiuk PhD
  • Encyclopedia of public procurement; Commentary on the Law on the Marshal Guard; The relationship between administrative law and labor law at the beginning of the 21st century
    - dr hab. Przemysław Szustakiewicz, prof. ULa
  • Liability of a notary for damage caused in the performance of notarial activities
    - Magłorzata Sekuła-Leleno PhD
  • Joint and several liability of an investor and a general contractor to a subcontractor of construction works in procurement law; Protection of business secrets in proceedings before the President of the UOKiK
    - Dr. hab. Małgorzata Sieradzka, prof. ULa
  • Developments in company law and corporate governance - EU regulations. Developments in EU company and corporate governance law; Compliance norms in financial institiutions; Ethics of peace- right and obligation of the state, society and the individual. Ethics and peace- right and obligation of the state, societes and individuals
    - Tomasz Braun PhD
  • The influence of culture, tradition and religion on the functioning of administration in Poland
    - Robert Szczepankowski PhD


  • Research on sports law and dispute resolution practice in the field of sports.
    - dr hab. Eligiusz Krześniak, prof. ULa
  • Civil liability for defects in an aircraft product.
    - dr hab. Anna Konert, prof. ULa
  • Treaty freedoms of movement of goods, services, entrepreneurship in the context of current case law of the Court of Justice and EU derivative law regulations
    - Dominika Harasimiuk PhD
  • Liability for damages caused to space tourists
    - dr hab. Anna Konert, prof. ULa
  • The Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the construction of a democratic state of law-balance and prospects.
    - Prof. dr. hab. Maria Kruk-Jarosz, Marcin Olszówka PhD, Mariusz Godlewski MSc
  • Majority democracy-Different faces of the model. Determinants and consequences.
    - Prof. dr. hab. Maria Kruk-Jarosz
  • European Union administration and customs law.
    - Prof. dr hab. Artur Kuś
  • Prerequisites for accelerated proceedings in Polish criminal proceedings
    - Prof. dr hab. Jacek Kosonoga
  • Protection of personal data in a criminal trial.
    - Prof. dr hab. Maciej Rogalski
  • The right to rest.
    - Magdalena Rycak PhD
  • Individualization of a third party as an exoneration premise of liability under Art. 435 of the Civil Code. 
    - Małgorzata Sekuła-Leleno PhD
  • Conditions for participation in a public procurement procedure
    - dr hab. Małgorzata Sieradzka, prof. ULa
  • Local self-government in terms of the law of nature.
    - Prof. Dr. Igor Zachariasz
  • The future of legal regulations concerning uniformed services
    - Dr. hab. Przemysław Szustakiewicz, prof. ULa
  • Analysis of the powers and duties of the new entity - the State Protection Service
    - Prof. dr hab. Maciej Rogalski
  • Analysis of the tasks and powers of the Border Guard
    - Prof. dr hab. Maciej Rogalski
  • Analysis of criminal measures in the fiscal penal code
    - Prof. dr hab. Maciej Rogalski, team members : M.Tuznik PhD, J.Kośla MSc
  • Derivative right of residence of family members of a migrating EU citizen
    - Dominika Harasimiuk PhD
  • Management of legal risks in international financial corporations
    - Tomasz Braun PhD
  • Flexible forms of employment in Italian and Polish labor law. Opportunities and threats
    - Magdalena Rycak PhD
  • Extension of the grounds for exclusion of a judge by operation of law as a strengthening of the guarantees of the court's impartiality in the Polish criminal trial
    - Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Stefański
  • Franchise agreement in the light of competition law
    - Dr. hab. Małgorzata Sieradzka, prof. ULa
  • Criminal law in real estate transactions
    - Dr. hab. Ryszard Strzelczyk, Prof. ULa
  • Criminal law in the face of contemporary challenges
    - Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Stefański
  • Constitutional principles of religious law and the practice of their application.
    - Marcin Olszówka PhD
  • Permissible interference of uniformed services and special services in civil liberties and rights
    - Bartłomiej Opaliński PhD