Conference "Medicine in Architecture. New trends in the design of hospitals and medical facilities.

In the era of the Value Based Healthcare (VBC) concept pioneered by Harvard economist Michael Porter, the emphasis in health care is not so much on the provision of services per se, but on the results of comprehensive improvements in patient health and quality of life. One element of the VBC concept is certainly architecture. A conference will be held on October 24, where experts will discuss practical tips from the combination of modern architecture and VBC medicine. Lazarski University is a partner of the event.

Medycyna Plakat

A hospital is one of the most complex building types. It includes many serving, technical and functional sectors. The hospital scenario must be balanced with the basic needs of all users, current functional needs and financial considerations. Hospital architecture is therefore at the intersection of two disciplines: artistic and technical, and reflects the development of thought in the fields of medicine, technology and technology. A modern hospital space is supposed to provide patients with a sense of dignity, inspire trust and comfort, while staff are supposed to be able to provide the best possible care for patients, while at the same time guaranteeing work comfort, safety, access to natural light and pleasant views to make stressful and responsible work more pleasant. For the community, meanwhile, hospital and health center buildings should be a source of pride and a reminder of the importance of health care and the needs of patients. The challenge for hospital designers in the 21st century is also to find solutions that can easily adapt to civilization and cultural changes that are difficult to forecast. The conference is aimed at hospital directors, technical and administrative and economic directors, heads of operating departments, medical equipment specialists, people involved in handling tenders in hospitals, medical designers and technologists, architects, representatives of local administration, representatives of sanitary-epidemiological stations, representatives of medical companies, people interested in the subject of efficient management of the technical department of hospitals and improvement of the functioning of medical institutions, medical societies and associations. The event will be held on 24/10/2023 at 9:00 am at the Olympic Center in Warsaw. Program and registration available HERE.