Karol Strzała, MBA
Wicedyrektor programów Zarządzanie oraz Finanse i Rachunkowość
tel. (+48) 22 54 35 362
, room 363
Director of the Finance and Accounting program, with extensive academic and practical experience. He is a graduate of Lazarski University's Law School and Finance and Accounting at the Warsaw School of Economics.
His interest in international aspects of finance was reflected in his participation in a scholarship program at Singapore Management University in Singapore. This stay not only broadened his global perspectives, but also enriched his teaching methodology and business practice, adding a unique dimension to him as a lecturer and practitioner.
He has been running his own business for several years, which translates into a practical understanding of market and financial mechanisms. His research and professional interests revolve around finance, law, AML, management, and new technologies, including, among others, blockchain technology, which is reflected in his active membership in Lazarski University's Blockchain Technology Center and the Blockchain Poland Association.
Profil naukowy
- Absolwent Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uczelni Łazarskiego w Warszawie (2015), absolwent Finansów i Rachunkowości w Szkole Głównej Handlowej (2014). Stypendysta Singapore Management University w Singapurze (2014).
- Członek Centrum Badań Procesu Legislacyjnego Uczelni Łazarskiego.
- Od 2015 roku wykładowca na Wydziale Ekonomii i Zarządzania oraz Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uczelni Łazarskiego.
Obszary badawcze
- Prawo finansowe
- Prawo podatkowe
- Prawo bankowe
- Prawo finansów publicznych
- Teoria prawa
- Fintech