The medical programme at Lazarski University is one of the leading medical faculties in Poland

We are proud to announce that the high level of medical programme at Lazarski University was once again positively assessed by the Presidium of the Polish Accreditation Committee.
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PPAC confirmed that the educational process implemented here meets all the criteria specified in the regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of September 12, 2018 on the criteria for programme evaluation (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1787).

 The medical studies programme at Lazarski University provides graduates with excellent preparation to practice as a doctor in any health care system. An important supplement is extensive education in the field of additional subjects, such as management in medical facilities or education in the field of ALS and PALS, strengthening the teaching process in the field of emergency medicine, or an extensive educational programme concerning patient-doctor communication. of the leading medical faculties in the country!

The collective results of the Medical Final Examination (LEK) in the spring/autumn 2023 sessions, published by the Medical Examination Center in Łódź, showed that the medical faculty at Lazarski University is one of the leading medical faculties in the country. Among all universities offering medical programmes, graduates of the Faculty of Medicine of Lazarski University took 2nd place in Poland among those taking the exam for the first time in both the winter and spring sessions.