Student Mail

ULa students can use mail and Office 365 programs for free

łazarski student mail


Thanks to the fact that you study at Lazarski you can for free:

  • access Office 365 on your devices (PCs, Macs and tablets at the same time)
  • use OneDrive cloud space for your files
  • download programs available through Office 365

Logging into your email account domain
(your university personal email account)

To use the services and student email, follow 3 simple steps:

  1. Go to mail.lazarski.en
  2. Log in using your album number as login:
  3. Enter the password you created when you first logged in to e-Dean.

Configure the email program for your email account in the domain

  1. Before configuring the email client, log in for the first time using the instructions described above. 
  2. In the configuration of the selected email client, select the following settings:
  • Select automatic configuration
  • Enter your information: First name, last name, email address and mail password
  • The mail client will find the rest of the settings automatically

Contact IT if you have any problems.