The Department houses a state-of-the-art Center for Basic and Preclinical Sciences, consisting of the Scientific Basis of Medicine Laboratory, Morphological Science Laboratory, and Medical Simulation Centers.
field of study

Programme description
As a nursing student:
- you will be educated in small groups, using the latest educational materials and technological solutions - including. with high-fidelity anatomical models made with 3D technology;
- you will gain knowledge from the best - classes are taught by experienced professionals and practitioners with years of experience in top-quality medical facilities;
- you will develop skills in communicating with patients during practical classes;
- you will be able to take advantage of a wide range of additional subjects, important for different career paths, such as medical law or elements of healthcare management;
- you will be educated in small clinical groups;
- you will gain the same qualifications as students of state universities.
Programme Director

Izabela Gołębiak
Programme benefits
Careers after graduation
- public and non-public health care institutions
- colleges
- research institutions
- pharmaceutical companies
- social care centers
- institutions engaged in counseling and dissemination of knowledge in the field of health education
Academic staff

Marta Szajnik
Specjalista z ginekologii i położnictwa
- Ginekologia i położnictwo

Marek Stopiński
Specjalista chorób wewnętrznych
- Propedeutyka chorób wewnętrznych

Przemysław Juszczyński
- Immunologia

Janusz Szemraj
Biolog molekularny, mikrobiolog
- Biologia molekularna

Krystyna Fabianowska-Majewska
- Biochemia z elementami chemii

Elżbieta Makomaska-Szaroszyk
Prodziekan Wydziału Medycznego ds. studenckich
Lekarz okulista
- anatomia człowieka
- okulistyka

Anna Sułek
Biolog, diagnosta laboratoryjny, genetyk
- Genetyka

Anna Nasierowska-Guttmejer
Patomorfolog i onkolog
- Patologia ogólna
- Patomorfologia

Olga Aniołek
Prodziekan Wydziału Medycznego ds. Współpracy Międzynarodowej Uczelni Łazarskiego
Lekarz weterynarii, specjalista weterynaryjnej diagnostyki laboratoryjnej
- Histologia

Marcin Madziała
Kierownik Zakładu Medycyny Ratunkowej, adiunkt
Ratownik medyczny
- Socjologia medycyny
- Medycyna ratunkowa
- Medycyna Katastrof
- Desmurgia

Anna Maria Badowska-Kozakiewicz
- Fizjologia
- Patofizjologia
Tuition fee
(2 semesters)
2 x 4080 PLN
8 x 1020 PLN
(2 semesters)
2 x 4440 PLN
8 x 1110 PLN
(2 semesters)
2 x 4680 PLN
8 x 1170 PLN
Application process
- Register online
You can enrol for our University in a few simple steps:- check qualification criteria,
- complete required documents,
- fill out the application form and proceed with the further application steps!
- Pay the enrolment fee and submit your documents
- The enrolment fee is 17 EUR* (transfer details can be found in the Candidate Account after online registration).
* Łazarski University' alumni are exempt from the enrolment fee. The enrolment fee is non-refundable. In case of not opened field of study, the fee will be completely refunded.
- The enrolment fee is 17 EUR* (transfer details can be found in the Candidate Account after online registration).
- Submit necessary documents to the Admissions Office.
- Check the ranking list
You will receive your acceptance letter by email or in the Admissions Office.
- Congratulations - you are a student!
Are you already among our students? We encourage you to download all useful information we have prepared for those who are beginning their studies at Łazarski University! Student Welcome Pack
- full-time studies